Saturday, January 17, 2009

2008 Year in "weiveR"

Obviously there’s been a bit of an hiatus since my last post. Life has been busy coming back from Indiana over Christmas break and starting back up at work and school for the new semester. Nonetheless, I’ve also been feeling a bit uninspired lately as it comes to blog posting. So, garnering from the blog of a friend, I’ve decided to do a little bit of a “2008 year in review.” Besides, reminiscing is always good for the soul, and it might be of some benefit to reflect on what’s happened over the past year of my life and think about what I’d like to change, add, do better, etc etc….

Things I did in 2008 I had never done before…
Presented a paper at a philosophy conference, got a paper published in a philosophy journal, made a baby (but he’s still in production; release date is set for March 21st, but is subject to change), voted for a democrat for President of the USA (which makes me [I confess] 3 for 3 in my votes for President), traveled to Mexico, went to the United Nations, got a job/boss that I really enjoy, went to Baltimore

Last year’s New Years resolutions…
To lose weight. Yes, I succeeded. Then I got vicariously pregnant. Looks like my new year’s resolution will be the same for this year as it was last…

Countries visited…
We seemed to keep to North America this year – Mexico, Canada, and well, the United Nations is kind of its own country, right (it’s not technically part of the US)?

Something I’d like to have in 2009 that I lacked in 2008…
Faith. The ability to put to action what I claim to believe.

A date from 2008 that will remain etched upon my memory…
This one’s tough. The day I found out Amber was pregnant. The day I preached at Amber’s grandma’s funeral. The day my brother Brant got married. The day (almost literally since it took 12 hours) Amber and I drove back from Pittsburgh to Montreal in horrible conditions. The day of Amber’s ultrasound. And of course, November 4th. That was an awesome day.

All of these were memorable moments in my life that significantly shaped my life in some way.

Biggest achievement of the year?
Again, it depends on how you look at it. I became a father. That’s quite an achievement. I became an elder of my church. And I “officially” became a philosopher.

Biggest failure?
Hmm… not enough time spent loving God and loving my neighbor.

The best thing you bought…
Our new computer last January.

Something I got really, really, really excited about?
Carrying around and showing our ultrasound pictures to everyone. Definitely at the top of the list. The Ryne Sandberg Cubs jersey Amber got me for Christmas was awesome too – and on top of that, the 3-6mo’s Cubs tee she got for our little guy!!

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
Hm… not sure… probably happier. I'm excitedly terrified to be a father, but I also wish I had a better idea of what I was doing with my life and what to make of God, life, who I am, etc etc...

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Blogged more. Although 49 times is almost once a week, right? Spent more time building deep relationships. Spent more time in the spiritual disciplines.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Incessantly checking my email and wasting time on Facebook. And watching TV… I’m beginning to think sports-watching is incredibly boring. Except the Cubs!

How I spent Christmas…
This was nuts. On the 19th of December, we drove almost 12 hours in a snowstorm to NYC. On the 23rd, we drove back to Pittsburgh. On the 24th, we drove to Lafayette and had dinner with family at my Grandma’s. On the 25th, we drove to Kentucky with Amber’s parents to have Christmas with her mom’s family. On the 26th, we drove back to Lafayette and had Christmas that night with my family. On the 27th we had Christmas with Amber’s dad’s side of the family. Craziness.

A Haiku that sums up my year:
Trying to make sense of life
Living into Love

Books that I read (or listened to)...
The entire Harry Potter series (again!) [Amber and I listened to most of it in the car during road trips], The Birth Partner, Communist Manifesto by Marx, Being and Time by Heidegger, most of The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero, Totality and Infinity by Levinas, Islam and the West: Conversations with Jacques Derrida, and a boatload of other philosophy books.

Favorite TV program(s)…
LOST. That’s the only one I watch religiously. Its getting odd, but still very, very interesting.

Favorite film of this year?
The move I saw on Dec 31st - Slumdog Millionaire by far. You’ve got to see that.

What I did on my birthday?
Since it’s on December 24th, it’s usually pretty lame. I was at my grandma’s house with family.

What kept me sane?
The friends in my Bible Study and at the Open Door, my wife, and the hope that some day I’ll no longer see through a glass darkly.

A quote that sums up my year:
[Harry] “One last question: Is this real or is it just happening inside my head?”
[Dumbledore] "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

A song lyric that sums up my year.
“Oh it’s hell to believe there ain't a hell of a chance…
And angels everywhere were in my midst
In the ones that I loved in the ones that I kissed
I wondered what it was I'd been looking for up above
Heaven is so big there ain't no need to look up
So I stopped looking for royal cities in the air
Only a full house gonna have a prayer”
– “Thin Blue Flame” by Josh Ritter

Well folks, that’s all for now. It’s been a long December and there’s reason to believe that maybe this year will be better than the last. May you all have an amazing 2009 and remember "the last enemy to be destroyed is death"!

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