Monday, June 9, 2008

Do You Believe?

“The sterner part of me, the part that’s determined to be nobody’s fool, says, ‘Just admit it. God is a fiction we’ve invented to help us live with our awareness of our own mortality.’ Dogs and cats think they will live forever, and have no god. I can’t help but notice that the only species that knows from the get-go that it will one day no longer be alive is the one that erects cathedrals and marches around with statues dressed in robes.

“But at the same time a universe with no ordering intelligence of any kind is so barren. I wonder if some of us aren’t too smart for our own good on the subject. It’s easy, especially in this late age, to congratulate yourself on your ability to see through everything, but when you see through everything you end up with nothing at all. Do I, does anyone really and truly want to be so undeluded as to live in a world wholly devoid of mystery and magic?”

- Novelist Michael Cunningham when asked, “Do you believe in God?” in Antonio Monda, Do You Believe? Conversations on God and Religion (New York: Vintage Books, 2007), 36.

1 comment:

Megan said...

HI! How's it going?!? I was just having a conversation with my brother along these same lines. He recently saw a show on PBS about these scientists who are convinced that there is some "other" sort of matter out in the universe. Dark Matter, apparently this "dark matter" is what keeps the planets (that are too heavy on their own) in their orbits. It is also the energy and force behind the big bang, and several other unexplainable phenomenons. The trick is dark matter is invisible and no one can see it or touch it or break down it's components. These guys however are designing a device to "catch" the dark matter. And they are hoping catch it.
Realizing that God is incredibly creative and complex and surely we all thought the earth was flat once but how wrong we were; my brother jokingly said they have created a trap to catch the Holy Spirit.