Thursday, February 21, 2008

LOST (spoiler alert)

Oh dear, so that was probably the most predictable "Lost" yet (If you haven't seen the 2/21/08 episode, read no further). Kate spends time with Sawyer. Kate causes trouble. Kate has gets off the island and has to go to court for her past crimes. Kate has a baby.... and it turns out to be Claire's Aaron instead. Boy did I see that coming as soon as she said she was skidding around kids.

So then, there are a lot of holes to fill... how does Kate get Aaron? Does Claire die? How do they get off the island together? Is Aaron considered part of the Oceanic 6? Aaron seems at least 3 years old in tonight's episode - is it the time/space continuum having an effect or did it take them that long to have the trial? And what about the last episode from last year's season when Kate talks to Jack at the airport and says she has to go back because "he" will wonder where she is? Is she referring to Aaron... or someone that's come into her life since Jack never did?
Hm... It's all so interesting. One more thing - I laughed at the irony that John Locke has basically established a dictatorship on his part of the island, given that the philosopher, John Locke had tremendous influence on the shaping of American democracy...

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