Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Feeding Frenzy

So, this past week, we started Emerson on solids for the first time. It was quite a trip. Actually, I started him on Tuesday because Amber was gone and I was out of breastmilk. So, I gave him some homemade baby food (pureed pears), and alas, I think we created a monster. Seriously, he is totally an addict (perhaps it was because the pears were so sweet!).
At first, he couldn't quite figure out the spoon, so I fed him using my finger, but it didn't take long for him to think he could do it on his own. It wasn't long before I had a hard time feeding him, because he kept trying to take the spoon and even the bowl so he could get some! Needless to say, he was pretty upset when my ice cube size amount of pear was all gone.
Then, this weekend we took a quick trip home to Indiana to see some family and friends, many of whom had yet to see Emerson. We had dinner at my parents house on Thursday, and my dad put Emerson on his lap and went right to feeding him smashed up bananas and carrots. He looked like a pro (my dad and Emerson!). It was quite humorous, as the only bib my mom had clearly did not fit over Emerson's head, but somehow she managed to get it on him.

1 comment:

wren said...

So, really, what you're saying is that tomorrow I get to baby-sit this feeding frenzied monster!