Friday, October 24, 2008

Drum Roll Please...

It's a boy! Check these out!

Side shot, little black spot is the heart, and you can kinda see a hand up above. He's got a big nose, which definitely means he's a Bahler.

Feet. Not much else to say except that I'm glad they found two of 'em!

Top of the head shot with a real clear picture of his hand. So cute!

The ultrasound tech did a good job of keeping the gender a secret up til the very end. She kept saying "Baby's head," "Baby's spine" (which was really cool to see), etc. And then, there it was. Definitely a boy - wasn't afraid to show his stuff. I had instant images of Calvin and Hobbes comic strips, and I can see him running through the house wet and naked already. There were a a couple times when he was scratching his head too (My mom said, "He must have been thinking" [as I always scratch my head when I think hard]). It was so cool. To think that you might already be able to see some of the personality of the child when they're that tiny. One of my coworkers said when she went to her first ultrasound, that was when she found out she was having twin boys. At one point, during the ultrasound, the two boys were facing each other and one of them visibly punched the other one in the face!! Needless to say, she said, they're still fighting with each other nine years later.
I'd also like to thank all of you who commented on the previous post about child-rearing as well as sponsoring a child. It's interesting how everyone has a different experience with their first kid. Back in Indianapolis, we hung out with a couple on a monthly basis to play board games who had a baby daughter, and it seemed like their lives barely changed at all - with the mere exception that they had to lug a bit more stuff with them when they came to our house. It just reminds me that as much as we try to come up with "one-size-fits-all" methods to so many things in this world, we don't really live in a world of universals (as much as we can think of them abstractly) but of particulars. We interact with individual and unique people with unique temperaments, likes and dislikes, and souls. This will even vary within families, no doubt. A parent may have a really calm or really antsy first child, and the second could be just the opposite.
Anywho, that's all for now... gotta get working on some homework!


Deven said...

Amen! My two kids are as different as night and day, but I can't imagine life without them.

Congratulations on your little man. :)

Unknown said...

AWESOME! Way to go Dad. Boys rock!

Anonymous said...

he's cute!
...or he will be, or something like that.