Sometimes - oftentimes - we get so wrapped up in looking for God in the lightning bolts, medical miracles, political powerplays, and worldchanging events that we often forget that God more often than not prefers to speak to us in the "still small voice." Like Jesus who often told those he healed to be silent as to who he was, we may find that God often reveals himself by round-about means and through the most unexpectable circumstances.
“What if we could rediscover ourselves again face-to-face with the infinite in the infinitesimal? Touch the sacred enfolded in the seeds of ordinary things? Such a return would invite us to experience the ultimate in the mundane. The first in the last. The most in the least… Transcendence in a thornbush. The Eucharist in a morsel of madeleine. The Kingdom in a cup of cold water… In our rush to the altars of Omnipotence we often neglected theophanies of the simple and familiar… For it is often in the most quotidian, broken, inconsequential, and minute of events that the divine signals to us.”
- Richard Kearney, “Epiphanies of the Everyday,” After God and the Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy (New York: Fordham University Press, 2006), 3-4
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5 years ago
"God is in the rain"
-Eve (V for Vendetta)
I wish Kearny's word choice was more mundane.
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